To create a new tournament:

Go to “Admin” in the main menu and select ”Tournament”

Then select ”Create new tournament”no tour

As illustrated above here you will find a list of the tournaments you have access to as administrator (notice can be from several clubs)

The Bridge+More solution - the bridge revolution - for both club and private use

You can play 8 different types of social games – hereby, we cover all requirements of a club. Please notice, we also offer Club tournament and Teaching options

  • Single Table IMP Reference Game (Automatic setup)
  • IMP Reference Game (Fast setup. IMP Scoring. No movements)

You will have further general and/or specific options for each of these game types later during setup:

Please notice

  • You can go back and forth during the tournament setup; and
  • You also have an option to change certain details later.
    • Which details you can change depends of the stage of the tournament (started or not for example).

Please also notice the tournaments will always be playing Barometer style.

Tab 1.

Please give the tournament a name (Please notice that no name overlap is allowed)

Select ”Tournament Type” – Select “Pair

Select ”Number of Sections” – Current limit 5

Select ”Next”

Tab 2.

Howell is pre-selected

Please notice – you can stop a tournament after a finished round and still be able to see detailed results – see here or here how to end the game correctly

Select “Board per round” from the drop down menu as illustrated below and then select the number of “Tables” in the tournament (equal to the number of B+M’s to be used) from the drop down menu as illustrated below

Select ”Next”

The Bridge+More solution - the bridge revolution - for both club and private use
The Bridge+More solution - the bridge revolution - for both club and private use
The Bridge+More solution - the bridge revolution - for both club and private use

Tab 3.

Please notice the information given about your tournament.

Select ”Number of sessions” – from the drop down box.

There is a limit of  7 sessions. It is a limit chosen by us which can be expanded if needed.

The current limit is chosen due to increase in the data exchange requirements with federations.

Select ”Next”

The Bridge+More solution - the bridge revolution - for both club and private use

Tab 4.

Select ”Select Card distribution”

“Random” creates randomly the necessary number of boards.

“Select a Replay Game” describes the option where you can select from a list of previous played public available card distributions (and where no tournament details is available for import).

This should be regarded as either:

  • An alternative to a reference tournament as several federations only offer access to card distribution information. We will add information (URL) for the card distributions historic result presentation.
  • As access to the popular public available card distributions easily shared for many to play and compare results – often labelled “simultaneous tournaments”. With a delay (for all to play) results are made public.

Notice – “If you would like to import a card distribution you have on a file then select Random and then after the tournament have been created select each session and select the file to import” – hereby we offer an option to import for example a BRI file with your card own distribution.

As you need might to import different card distributions per session the import takes place here – Click “Import” and select your file with a click on the “Browse” button.

Or if you would like to use the import option – please select “Random” at tab 4 – hereby you also generate card distributions to be used if your import file later have to few card distributions than required by the tournament.

(After you have created the tournament you can import your card distribution here – click the “mport” button. To get a red frame on a Session click on the session.)

This features have been constructed like this to make it possible to have different card distributions per session.

sess impo

Select ”Next”

Tab 5 – Matchpoint.

Please Select “Matchpoint as “Scoring type”

Notice you need to make a selection at the bottom of the page

Select either

  • Zero 0 as bottom; or
  • Zero 0 as average

We here show you the future option for scoring of a section – currently sections are score separately.

Select ”Next”

Tab 5 – International Matchpoint option.

Please Select “IMPS” as “Scoring type”

Notice you need to make a selection at the bottom of the page


  • Across the field

We here show also you the future options for scoring of a section – currently sections are score separately.

Select ”Next”

The Bridge+More solution - the bridge revolution - for both club and private use

Tab 6 – Other settings.

Please select the wanted “Contract entry type”

You can read more here – including see how the above options screens look at the tablet

Please decide if  you want to “

This setting lets you can choose between if the tablet or the dealer controls the information shown and when the cards are ejected

This illustrate one of several ways we show a delays in registration see below

You can further details here about this setting and it’s consequences


Remember to select ”Finish” to have the tournament created

Please notice – after you have created a tournament you still have an opportunity to change certain parts of the tournament – to change click “Edit” in the menu below after you have selected the tournament you want to change.

You will see a similar menu as shown above when you click “Edit”
