Results presentations – Teams:

Your Bridge+More solution gives you an easy access to result and advanced information about your tournaments

Please notice to access the presentation of results you need to login at – and to be able to login you will need to be a registered user.

Results are presented in real time – not before all tables have finished a round can you see a result – but immediately hereafter you will see the updated results. If you try to select presentation of results from boards or rounds not played yet you are welcome – we keep the information hidden until we should present it – likewise with card distribution details.

Please notice our Monitor feature can present results and information intelligent – see more here – MISSING

We recommend to use several tabs in the browser for a fast change among the different views – use the right mouse button in the browser while clicking on a ling and select open in a new tab (generic description – depends of the browser name and version)

Results presentations – principles and icons – Pairs:

Select ”Results” in the main menu


Select the relevant tournament from the list with a click. Notice the read bar

result_pair2  It illustrate that I as the person whom have logged in played in this tournament.

Notice the upper left corner – a counter result_pair4 to show when the results last was updated.

result_pair5 gives access to corrections – see more here MISSING

result_pair7Notice the little triangle – you can sort the columns by a click (sort up or down click the correct triangle)

As a principle the red color also illustrate a selection.

You can select among round, boards and pairs with buttons like shown below – or use the arrows as shown.


Results presentations – principles and icons – Teams:

Team results example – see below


Team results example after you have clicked on a team – see below


Team results example after you have clicked on a team and also open the hand details including card by card details – see below


Butler results example – click the number above the results to change round – see below


Butler results example after you have open the hand details including card by card details – see below

Click the result_pair14 to show further details including card by card information as shown below – click result_pair14 again to close


The dotted line around a card shows it was the lead – yellow shows the wining card. Above – first hand 7 of clubs opened and the Ace of clubs won.


You can see different versions of card by card information – red as shown below illustrate a claim. If no card by card information is show – one of the players shuffled.

If you wants to see or show where each pair have or should sit at each round start you have this information below (names removed by purpose).
