Bridge+More – Complete and Simply better bridge! 

The Bridge+More solution makes it easy for you to play bridge – but sometimes you might have to decide between a few alternatives. To make it easy for you, we use the followings words to describe the alternatives:

  • Types – Are you using Club, Social, and/or Teaching. The type of usage influences the Method, Choices, and Options.
  • Methods – Do you want to use – the Fast & Easy methods (just a few clicks, a few choices, and no options to consider), our Basic methods (use default settings for most of the options), or the Advanced methods (where you have full control.
  • Choices – for example
    • You have 16 tournament types – Pair, Team, Individual, Swiss, Pre-Register, etc. for Clubs – or Pair, Individual, and the unique Reference game for Social games.
    • You have several Choices for Result presentations – Sessions, Rounds, Pairs, Boards for pairs and similar Halves, etc. for teams – and you have several choices for how – select on web or app, running scores or printable Pdfs
  • Options – Describes the many options – and notice the number of options is dependant on the selected Method and Choices made – you are offered to select precisely the detail, feature, etc. you would like to use – for example Scoring options.

A full example – if you are creating a club tournament (Types) and create all the game details yourself (Advanced Methods) and have not selected an Individual game (Choices) – then you see and have 3 options for Vacant pair scoring (Options). We do not show vacant scoring options for Social games and teaching, do not show in Fast & Easy games and individual games. It couldn’t be easier!

We use the term Feature to describe both a particular Type, Method, Choice, or Option – in other words, a feature can be large and complex – like our “Teaching Feature” – or be small and specific – like our “Vacant pair” option feature.