How to create Social Games on the server – Reference Games.

It is simple and easy to design your own Social Games.

Let’s look at how you can design personalized and fun bridge games for every occasion. To create a Social Game, you’ll have two options:
1) Tablet: you can either create your game directly on the tablet under the ‘Fast & Easy’ app button – or
2) Server: you can log in to the bridgeplusserver according to your location and choose between multiple game options. This will be explained in the next First Use Newsletter we will send you.

Choose the right server.

Log in with your username and password received in the First Newsletter.

  • In the Main Menu go to ADMIN.
  • Click on Social Games.
  • Select Create a New Social Game
  • Choose between the different options.
    • Fast and Easy.
    • Pair Games.
    • Individual Games.
    • Chicago – Single Table Individual Games.
    • Single Table games  (Just play along) – including Replay Games
    • Reference Games    (including individual reference)
    • Single Table IMP Reference Game (Automatic setup)
    • IMP Reference Game (Fast setup. IMP Scoring. No movements)

To continue, please follow our Reference Game Guide found below.

bridge social games

Click here and download our guide to create Reference Games – Social games on the server.