What to do if your tablet is stolen?

If your or your club’s tablet has been stolen, here’s some important information to help you manage the situation and potentially document it is your device:

  • Device Identification Through Our App: If the tablet has not been reset, you can still see our Bridge+More app on the device. The app will display a unique DeviceID, which can be useful for tracking or identifying the tablet.
  • Reinstallation on a Reset Tablet  If the tablet have been reset then reinstall our app and same DeviceID will still be shown. Precise process might vary depending on the Android version.

This means that even after a reset, there is a possibility to identify the tablet through the B+M app for the police. 

  • Bluetooth MAC Address Identification: Older Android versions allow retrieval of the Bluetooth MAC address, providing another way to identify the device.

This can be particularly useful if other identification methods are not available. 

Stay safe, and ensure your tablet and dealer devices are secure. We’ve encountered multiple instances where clubs have had their tablets stolen, but each time, the police have successfully recovered them!

For further information, contact us at info@bridgeplusmore.com