How to use the penalty double

When using the tablet for a game of bridge, you will have the option to easily enter the penalty double in the bidding phase.
In bridge, the penalty double offers a formidable weapon that keeps your opponents from stepping all over you.
The Bridge+More tablet app makes it quick and easy to enter the penalty double in the bidding phase.

How to enter the penalty double on the tablet app

  • Open the Bridge+More App on the tablet (Click here to see our tablet guide)
  • Start a game (Click here for a guide)
  • Enter the bidding phase on the tablet (Click here to see how)
  • Click on the ‘D’ (Double), if you wish to enter the double
  • Click on the ‘RD’ (Redouble), if you wish to redouble the double
  • You also have the opportunity to re-enter the contract after playing the board on the tablet (Click here for a guide)
  • Continue the game

Have you entered the wrong double details?

  • Log into your account (Click here for a guide)
  • Click on ‘Results’
  • Find your Tournament or Social Game on the list
  • Click on ‘Boards’
  • Click on the ‘Edit’ icon
  • Click on ‘Edit board result’ under the board you would like to edit
  • Change the ‘Contract’ and click ‘OK’ to save the changes