How to handle and maintain the Bridge+More Dealer and cards.

Please take care of your Bridge+More dealer by handling it as the delicate and precise mechanical device it is. Please remember the height of a card is a small fraction of a millimeter and handling one card at a time to deal requires precision, a solid and stable table, and no dust.

Avoid extensive dust and felt remains ….

Please take care of your Bridge+More dealer by handling it as the delicate and precise mechanical device it is.

We often say the Bridge+More dealer should be handled like a video recorder as both devices have turning parts, multiple engines, eject ports, etc.

Especially ensure there is no dust and if you use a bridge table with felt – remove the small felt parts.

Hereby you should be able to avoid situations like those shown at left and below.

Keep the outer chassis clean … 

 For cleaning the outer chassis and lid, Bridge+More Select Dealer follows the steps:

  1. Use a mild mix of water and soap(1 drop of dishwashing soap pr. 200ml water)
  2. Use a cloth that expels minimum or no amount of fluff when used.
  3. Wet the cloth in the soap water and gently rise the outside chassis without drenching the Dealer.
  4. Make sure the Dealer is completely dry once done.

Keep the inside of the dealer clean and remove dust … 

For cleaning the inside of the Dealer (the inside of the dealer is where cards are placed)

In the example below, please notice the black piece of dust/debris in the red circle. When cleaning the dealer, it is necessary to remove objects such as these.

For the removal of such objects, a small air pump such as the one below can be used to blow away any unwanted objects.

Check and clean the Bridge+More cards …

Check of cards:

Please make sure there are no bend or chipped cards – as illustrated in the picture on the left.

The dealer will stop the dealing – and report either an Info 95 or an Info 96 (last card)

Cleaning of cards:

It is also important to keep the playing cards clean, as any dust/debris from the cards can be deposited inside the dealer while in use.

The B+M Playing cards are made of plastic and are therefore waterproof. They can therefore be cleaned with the same solution as used on the chassis of the dealer (1 drop of dishwashing soap pr. 200ml water).

Maintain the battery …

If you are planning on storing the dealer for a long period of time without usage, please keep the battery’s level between 20-80%. in other words, charge the dealer every 3 months – and every 12 months if a Select+.

Move and transport the Bridge+More Dealer carefully …  

Moving the Bridge+More dealer:

Please avoid moving a Bridge+More dealer while the dealer is doing a deal or awaits input from the user. The dealer must be off or idle state (the “READY” LED blinks).

Storing the Bridge+More dealer:

Please avoid storing the Bridge+More dealer on the floor or in any other dusty environment.

Transporting the Bridge+More dealer:

Please transport the Bridge+More dealer in the original delivery box or use one of our purpose-built transport cases – see more here

at the floor or any other dusty environment.

Changes in temperatures and humidities  

Please avoid moving a Bridge+More dealer from cold surroundings to warm surroundings (and vice versa) when Off.

Especially avoid moving a Bridge+More dealer from cold surroundings to warm surroundings while the dealer is doing a deal or awaits input from the user.  If the temperature difference is more than 10 degrees – please wait 10 minutes or more to ensure eventual condensation has disappeared from the UV readers.