Bridge+More – Choices
We use the term Choices to describe:
For example
- You have 16 tournament types to choose among
- 1. Pair, Team, Individual, Swiss, etc. for Clubs
- 2. Pair, Individual, and the unique Reference game for Social games.
- 3. You have a number of Choices for Teaching as well – you can build and base your Teaching on three different level – Your library of Teaching Set, your Teaching Structures or your Teaching Set. See more here
- You have several also several Choices for your Result presentations
- 4. Sessions, Rounds, Pairs, Boards for the pair and individual game types and similar 5. Matches, Legs and Boards for the team game types – and you have several choices for how to see – select result views on the webserver or apps, our 6. Monitor (running live scores) or printable Pdfs. We also offer special reporting like 7. Point Series and 8. Players Slips
Please select the wanted Choice below