How to install the Bridge+More Android App on your tablet or phone with a USB cable?
You can use any Android tablet / phone that has Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or internet and has Android 4.4.2. We support the most common screen resolutions
You can use any Android tablet / phone that has Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or internet and has Android 4.4.2. We support the most common screen resolutions
How to do a fast calibration of the bridge dealer with only 4 cards? (Basic)
The Bridge+More solution is a complete solution and creates all the hands – you need – but you might want to play or import a specific card distribution. Therefore, the Bridge+More solution offers multiple import options and the import feature reads all known Bridge file formats.
Please lift the bridge dealer up and carefully turn it around.
You can see the following:
How to avoid misuse of reference games – how we protect you against other’s misuse of reference sources
How to set the dealer to deal random cards – it is actually easy to do. Start dealing with random cards is done with the power button.
How to manually do a thorough calibration of the bridge dealer with 2 * 52 cards? (Advanced)
How can I on the dealer see it’s charging – you can see it four different places actually
How to manually do a thorough calibration of the bridge dealer with 2 * 52 cards? (Advanced)
Question: How to understand the front page details on your bridge tablet?